Platform Features
AI-Powered Tools For Powerful Insight

AuditWise offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to improve the efficiency, accuracy and overall performance within your business. Whether you are looking to improve the quality of your sales and service interactions or identify compliance adherence, see below for the features that will benefit you.

Trend Analysis

A powerful data-driven tool, AuditWise enables a businesses to extract valuable insights from customer interactions. With the advanced analytics and reporting capabilities, you can identify patterns, trends and recurring issues that may impact customer satisfaction.

Compliance & Consistency

Maintaining compliance standards is of the utmost importance, especially in regulated industries. AuditWIse allows you to monitor interactions for compliance adherence, ensuring that your teams are following the prescribed guidelines and regulations.

Scorecard Builder

The dynamic scorecard builder helps you create effective audits to extract those insights that traditional call centre and customer service metrics just cannot provide. With advanced levels of customisation available, your scorecards can be fully tailored to your business and values.

Customisable Dashboards

AuditWise adjusts to your way of working, allowing you to build your own dashboard to quickly view the metrics that are important to you. Utilising the available widgets you can drag and drop onto your dashboard to create a personalised view just for you!


Seamlessly integrate your CRM, telephony platform or ticketing system with AuditWise to create a single view of your customer journeys and allow for consolidated reporting. The available filters enable the QA team to locate the relevant interactions in a matter of seconds.


Customisable gamification in AuditWise can transform your approach to QA by incorporating game-like elements such as awarding points, creating awards and displaying a leaderboard. Such an approach can lead to increased employee motivation, productivity and satisfaction. It can also facilitate quicker learning and better retention of information, ultimately contributing to the enhancement of overall business performance.


Auto-scoring significantly streamlines the evaluation process by automatically auditing customer interactions and assigning scores based on pre-defined criteria. This reduces the the time and resources required for manual assessment, leading to increased efficiency and consistency in evaluations. By minimising human bias and error, auto-scoring ensures a more objective and standardised measurement of performance.

Automated Data Analysis

The ability to analyse vast amounts of data very quickly in AuditWise allows you to identify patterns and trends without manual intervention. This enhances decision-making by providing actionable insights quickly and efficiently. The availability of analysed data can lead to timely identification of quality issues, allowing for swift corrective actions, thereby improving overall service quality and customer satisfaction.

Voice & Sentiment Analysis

Our platform allows businesses to automatically gauge the emotional tone of the customer interactions and feedback. By analysing text or voice data for positive, negative or neutral sentiments, businesses can gain insights into customer satisfaction and perception. This can lead to more tailored and empathetic engagement, proactive indentification of potential issues and targeted improvements in products and services.

Client Access

AuditWise has been built to provide flexibility for all businesses using the platform. Allowing 3rd party client access to the platform in a BPO environment fosters transparency and trust. Clients can directly monitor and assess the quality of services being delivered on their behalf. Such collaboration can lead to more agile and customised service delivery, improved satisfaction, and stronger client-vendor relationships contributing to the long-term success and sustainability of the outsourcing partnership.

User Dash

AuditWise provides agents with access to their performance data by way of a personalised dashboard with their latest scores as well as areas for feedback and actions plus the in-built gamification. Allowing such access allows agents to take control of their development, creating a culture of accountability and facilitating continuous learning and development.