Blog Post

The Power of Gamification

Combatting Attrition in Contact Centres

Hayley Plant

  • July 11, 2023

  • 5 Minute Read

The Power of Gamification

Contact centres play a vital role in delivering exceptional customer service and maintaining strong customerrelationships.However, the high attrition rates pose significant challenges for businesses.The UK averageturnover rate sits at 15 %, compared to the contact centre which is much higher at 26 %.Fortunately, theintegration of gamification techniques has emerged as a powerful solution to combat the high levels of attritionand foster a positive work environment.In this blog, we will explore the problems associated with attrition in contact centres and delve into the positive impact that gamification can have on this industry.

Firstly, we will look at the current problems with attrition in the contact centre:

Monotonous / Repetitive Work: Contact centre agents are often subject to repetitive tasks, such as answeringcalls and responding to customer queries.This monotony can sometimes lead to employee dissatisfactionresulting in those employees leaving the business.

High Stress Levels: Handling customer complaints, dealing with complex issues, strict performance metrics andadhering to regulatory compliance can create significant stress amongst contact centre employees.Over time, the stress can wear down employees and lead to burnout, ultimately having a negative impact on attrition.

Lack of Motivation & Engagement: Contact centre agents who feel disconnected from their work and lackmotivation are more likely to seek opportunities elsewhere.Without a sense of purpose and engagement, employees may view their work as mundane, affecting their job satisfaction and commitment to the business.

Limited Career Growth Opportunities: Many contact centre employees perceive their roles as dead - end jobswith limited opportunities for career progression. This perception can drive talented individuals to explorealternative career paths thus resulting in higher attrition rates

The Positive Impact of Gamification

Enhanced Motivation:Gamification injects an element of competition and rewards into the daily routine.Through incorporating game - like features such as leaderboards, awards and a point system, employees aremotivated to perform to their highest driving both engagement and job satisfaction.

Increased Employee Engagement:Gamification fosters a sense of community and healthy competitionamongst contact centre agents.Through team - based challenges, employees can collaborate, share knowledgeand support each other thus leading to stronger bonds, feelings of belonging and essentially a more engagedworkforce.

Skill Development and Training:Gamified learning modules enable contact centre agents to acquire anddevelop new skills.Interactive training programs, quizzes and simulations create a conducive environment forskill development, confidence boosting and overall improvements in job performance.

Recognition and Rewards:Gamification allows organisations to recognise and reward employees’ achievements in real - time.Immediate feedback, virtual rewards and public recognition not only boost morale but also reinforce positive behaviours leading a more motivated and committed workforce.

Career Progression:By tracking and measuring performance through gamification, organisations can identifyhigh-performing agents and recommend opportunities for career growth.This helps dispel the perception ofstagnation in contact centre roles and provides agents with a clear path for advancement and professionaldevelopment.


The high attrition levels in contact centres is a significant challenge that affects business continuity andcustomer service. By implementing gamification techniques, organisations can transform the workenvironment, increase motivation and engagement and ultimately reduce attrition rates.By embracing thepower of gamification, companies can strengthen their contact centre operations through a committed,engaged workforce who will in turn provide exception customer experiences.